There have been several factors that have lead me to actually being able to make this decision:
1. The first and most important has been The Lord. It's been absolutely incredible how He's been working things out over the past 21+ years...but particularly in the last year or two. He's just so good!
2. Perspectives!
A lot of alumni say that Perspectives changed their life, and that's great! But I don't think I can say that it "changed my life," rather it solidified it. I took it in the fall at The Bridge and am in it again right now, and it's just crazy how The Lord reveals Himself isn't it! I would HIGHLY recommend EVERYONE to take Perspectives, sooner rather than later, it'll open your eyes to a whole new world.
3. Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung
I had to read this book as part of the IT Project this summer, and I LOVED IT. I would highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone who has a decision to make, especially those near graduation ; )
4. Lots of prayer and wise counsel
Never underestimate the power of diligent prayer and a very wise mother.
So now that you know the decision making factors, do you want to actually know the decision?!?
Okay, okay I'll tell you!
After this summer I am going to move back to Lake Charles and live with my parents!
Impressed yet?
Don't fret there's more.
I'm planning to be there for about a year or so while I am applying to go overseas with Journeyman through the IMB. (you can look on their website if you would like more info,
I'm really excited about this decision! I'm mostly just excited I made a decision! But I am excited to live at home again! I'll be able to work and save money and spend some quality time with the fam before I ship off for two years.
I don't know where I might want to serve or what I might want to be doing yet, so don't ask unless you're okay with me saying, "I dunno." My first priority will be getting my application submitted and I'll let The Lord take care of the rest; He knows where to put me far better than I do anyway. So I'll just let Him handle it.
I'm ready for the next step! I know it's going to be great!