Thursday, February 23, 2012

What's Coming.

Geez, I have been off my blogging game. 
Sorry about that, 
but you know not much has been happening that I've felt was very blog worthy...ya know. 

But I do have a small piece of news I would like to share. 

Through the provision and planning of the Lord I have been given an incredible opportunity. 
This summer I will be going to HAITI! 
For a MONTH.

In case you didn't know, Haiti shares the island of Hispanola with the Dominican Republic down in the Caribbean. 

I know right. 

We will be living in tents, bathing in rivers, sleeping on the ground, etc. 
It's going to be rather intense. 

And that part of the trip SCARES me. 
Sleeping in a TENT?
For THIRTY days?

NO running water?
Possibly NO SHOWERS?
Bathing in a RIVER?


To be honest I don't really know. 
But the beauty of the situation is that the Good Lord sure does. 
He knows exactly what I will be doing. 
He knows where I will be sleeping. 
He knows what I'll be eating and drinking.
He knows who I'll be meeting.
He knows what I'll be feeling. 

Isn't that just the COOLEST thing ever!
The Lord is just so cool.

But I do have just one favor to ask...
...I am going to need your prayers.
I need them now as I prepare myself spiritually.
I'll need your prayers while I'm there as I encounter goodness knows what.
I'll need help with physical trials, spiritual warfare and emotional strain.
I'll need your prayers when I come home to be able unpack and put into practice everything that I learned.

Haiti will need your prayers.
The people there will need your prayers to allow their hearts to be open to the Holy Spirit.
They will need your prayers so that they can respond to the Holy Spirit.

So I'm just asking for some prayers.
That should be pretty simple right?
I mean aren't we supposed to be praying 24/7 anyway...
(not that I do...but you know)

So just keep faces like these in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. you always have your mama's prayers! so excited to see what God has in store for you!
    guess who?
