Friday, November 9, 2012

Peanuts to Peanut Butter.

Lately I've been really inspired to be frugal, 
but also be creative,
particularly in the kitchen. 

So thanks to the wonder that is, Pinterest I've been able to be both!

One of my first endeavors was
Homemade Peanut Butter! 

When I first saw it on Pinterest I was a little skeptical,
how can you make your own peanut butter?
That's got to be a super complicated and in-depth process,
There's like all kinds of ingredients that don't even sound real, 
"...fully hydrogenated vegetable oils, mono and diglycerides..."
sounds complicated to me.

But I was pleasantly surprised when I actually looked at the recipe,
 and found it to about the simplest thing EVER!

Wanna know how to make peanut butter??

You take peanuts and grind em up!
That's it!!
Could it get any easier!

Here's a quick run down of my peanut butter making process.

1. I bought some honey roasted peanuts. 
You can use any brand you like, 
I got these because they were out of the store brand. 
But any will do! 

2. Get out your food processor,
and if you're like me,
call your friend Kyle to come rig it so that it will actually work.
It's a hand-me down,
don't judge. 

Next, you're going to pour your peanuts into the food processor. 

Mine is super tiny so I couldn't put much in there,
maybe about a 1/2 cup, 
you can do more depending on how big your machine is. 

3. Make sure everything is nice and secure, and then turn on your food processor.
And watch it go!
 It'll go through several different stages.

 I stopped it a few times to stir it around so it wouldn't stick in one place,
and I didn't want to overexert my machine. 

4. Get out your mason jar,
or a suitable substitute,
and get your peanut butter ready for storing, 
I keep mine in the fridge,
it should keep about a month or so if refrigerated, 
but mine barely makes it a week or two until I have to make more!

I left mine with a little bit of grit still in it,
partly because I like it chunky,
but also because I was afraid my food processor might explode. 
Don't worry,
it didn't.

5. Enjoy! 

I absolutely LOVED making this!
It's super easy,
super cheap,
and SUPER delicious! 

I don't know if I'll ever go back to store bought peanut butter AGAIN!