Sunday, October 30, 2011

Take to the Sea.

"Whenever it is a damp,
 drizzly November in my soul, 
or when I find myself following every funeral I see, 
and especially when I feel like stepping into the street and knocking people’s hats off--
then I know it is high time to get to sea as soon as I can."
-Moby Dick 

Herman Melville said it best. 
It's time to take to the sea. 

I don't know what it is that makes me love the sea as much as I do.

Maybe it's the smell. 
The crisp salt air smell. 
The scent that immediately fills you with peace.

Maybe it's the sounds. 
The calm crashing of the waves.
Knowing that no matter what, that sound is always going to be there.
Or the seagulls crowing. 
The strange, sometimes overwhelming but soothing sound.

Maybe it's the sights.
Seeing the sky and sea meet. 
Watching the fish and birds live. 
Seeing the clouds change their shapes.

Maybe it's what you feel. 
Feeling the sun come and go as you watch it rise and set.
The cool sand on your feet as you walk along the shore.
The light breeze that brushes through your hair.

Maybe it's just the sea itself.
Looking out at something so vast and mighty. 
Realizing that compared to its grandeur you are something so small and powerless.

Thinking back to it's Creator.
And then feeling smaller and even more powerless.
Feeling that small and powerless brings great comfort. 
Whatever life brings is not so vast and great as the sea.
And it doesn't compare to the Creator. 

So it's high time I take to the sea. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

What's Ahead.

Do you ever feel called to something?
But the thought of actually doing it scares the mess out of you?
So you just decide to try and pretend like it's not there?
I DO. 

And the sad part is, I almost had fooled myself into thinking that it really wasn't there. 
What an idiot. 

But not anymore.
I'm here to proclaim that the Lord has called to something different.

For those of you who know me, you know that I have somewhat "old fashioned" goals.
I ask for nothing more than to be a wife and mother for the rest of my days.
It just looks like such a fun job. 
And I truly believe that that is a desire that the Lord has given to me specifically.
But I think He's added a twist. 

I don't think my life is going to be "normal."
It's going to be more on the unusual side. 

I've always felt like the United States wouldn't be my home forever. 
But I always tried to push that aside because the thought of leaving the U.S. for more than just a few weeks is scary.
This is my home. 
This is where my family is.
This is where my friends are.
This is where my life is.
This is where my comfort is.

Red flag?

I so often forget that I'm not called to be comfortable.
I'm called to be obedient. 
So if that means I move to some developing country and live in a hut with 30 orphans...
...bring it on. 
The idea of that is so appealing to me.
But the reality of it is SCARY. 

So now I just want to say that yeah I am scared of what the future might hold. 
I'm scared of what the Lord is going to ask of me because I know that I most likely won't want to do it.
But I have learned that He is ever so faithful.
And I'm sure He is going to enjoy proving that to me over and over again. 

So this is what I'm most likely looking at...

I'm more likely to live in this

...than this.

My family is most likely going to look something like this...

...rather than this.

That's what I'm looking ahead too.
And yes, I am very very excited. 
And I am also scared out of my mind. 
But this is what I'm called to so this is what it is going to be. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

The New Normal.

Life is just so weird.

One day things are great.
Life is good.

And then the next, it all comes crashing down on you. 
It's scary to think how life can change. 
And it might not necessarily be a bad change, but it's still change...and who likes that?
(if you say you like change, you're a liar)

It's so hard not to resist change. 
I know I do it.
All the dang time.
I don't want things to change.
I like them the way they are. 

And then there are those times when things change and you don't even have time or energy to resist.
You just have to sit there and watch it all happen.
And you just want things to go back to the way things were before SO badly. 
But they can't.
And they never will.
And that sucks. 

It's such a scary thing to think, that things will never be the same again.
Things will never go back to "normal" because there's going to be a new "normal."
And who says the new normal is going to be bad?
What a punk. 

I don't know why the new normal is always such a big fear for everyone. 
Okay, I do know why, I just don't like it. 
It just shows how untrusting we are. 
If I truly trusted in the Lord then what would I have to fear?
Not a blessed thing.
So why is it so hard for me to trust Him?
He's never disappointed me before.
He's never lied.
He's never left my side.
He's always been faithful. 
So what's the deal?
Why am I so skeptical?

Lord, remove my fear. 
Make me trust you.
Make me want the new normal. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Roommate Week.

This week is officially ROOMMATE WEEK.
Thank you to the Wesley Foundation. 

So in honor of Roommate Week please allow me to honor my roommates.
Currently I have three roommates, Hannah (Lane), Hanna and Anna.
Say that 10 times fast. 
Yes, it's a tongue twister. 
Yes, it does get confusing at times.
But we make it work.

Hannah (Lane)...isn't she stunning. 

Sweet Hanna/Han/Hannie....etc. 

Dear Anna.
Don't judge...some people just don't have a steady hand.

I've had my fair share of roommates over the years...
so believe me when I say that these are GREAT. 
They are. 
It's true. 

We usually don't get to spend a ton of time together
busy bees.
But ironically, this week we've actually spent a good bit of time just the four of us.
And that has been FUN. 
Ladies, we need to do this more often.

But I just wanted to take a minute and brag on my roomies. 
Because I like them.
A lot.
And because I can.
So thanks for being so great ladies. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I took a personality quiz tonight.
And I'll admit, I was skeptical at first.
I mean how accurate can this REALLY be?
But I was SHOCKED to find out that it was incredibly accurate. 

I am an ISFJ personality.
Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging. 
At first I didn't really understand what that all meant but once I did a little research I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this is EXACTLY my personality.

It was kinda freaky.

Here's a link to a site that can explain it far better than I can.

Everyone see what I mean?

But it is cool to know now that there's not something wrong with me when I act certain ways, that's just who I am.
This is how the Lord has made me to be. 
And He's made me this way for a purpose. 
Which is AWESOME. 

So what's your personality?

I would encourage it.
If anything it's pretty dang interesting. 


I have come to realize just how truly BLESSED I am.
The Lord has blessed me more than I can even imagine. 

I'm talking in particular about the wonderful people He's placed in my life.
Those men and women He's given me to encourage me, guide me, rebuke me, love me, etc.
He's blessed me BIG in this area. 
Praise the Lord.

I feel like I've always had a good bit of friends but it wasn't until I got to college that I realized what genuine Godly friendship was. 
He's taught me so much through these friendships.
And I know He's got so much more in store for me.

These are the people that aren't willing to just tell me what they think I want to hear.
They aren't going to let something go unnoticed.
They come in love.
They aim to glorify the Lord.
And they want to show that they love me.

So thank you to all of you out there who have been there for me.
Who have influenced me.
Who have taken a sledge hammer to the walls I try to build.
Who the Lord is using.
Thank You for your patience and love. 
Even if I don't always know how to show it...I love you and I greatly appreciate you.
I praise the Lord because of You. 

P.S. Here's a few results of my latest crafting....random....I know.

Pintrest will be the death of me.

Okay so this is technically baking...not crafting...but so what.
My lovely friend Brooke Conly is getting married next month.
Woop Woop! 
So we wanted to shower her with love and Pampered Chef. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011


We all have THOSE days.
You know what I mean.
Days that can only be described with an exhale. 

And then we all have THOSE weeks.
Which is just a continued series of THOSE days.

And then comes THOSE months.
Etc, etc.

You get the picture.

I'm always interested in how people react to THOSE days/weeks/months.
Do they just sit there and take it?
Do they try and pretend like it doesn't exist?
Do they totally freak out?
What do they do?

How do you handle THOSE days?

For me, I've tried more and more to not let myself be phased by THOSE days.
Albeit, sometimes that proves really difficult. 
But you know what...that's okay.
Life is hard.
It can really stink. 
But it doesn't last forever.

And the best part is, the Lord promises that suffering is followed by blessing. 
James 1:12
1 Peter 1:6-7
Matthew 5:10-12

The Lord also says that being a Christian means, suffering is going to come. 
He doesn't try to deny that.
It's going to be hard. 
Just embrace it.
1 Peter 4:12-14
2 Timothy 3:12
John 15:18-20

So don't be shocked when things get rocky.
And don't wish it away.
The Lord can get glory out of our sufferings.
And that's what our lives are all about.
Giving Glory to the Lord.

So don't limit the Lord to only being glorified when things are easy.
He can be glorified in all and through all.
And He's going to be.
So don't fear the suffering.
You don't have to ask for it.
Just don't try and "pray it away" when it comes.
See why it's there.
See what the Lord is trying to do.
See how much glory He's going to get.