Yes that's right, tomorrow morning I leave for South Sudan!
I'm going with a team of about five other people from Norris Ferry Community Church in Shreveport (Seth & Kristen and Polly & Andy's church). We'll be partnering with missionaries there to help bring the gospel to the Toposa people of South Sudan.
I don't have a lot of details on what exactly we'll be doing day to day, but what I do know is that we'll be tent camping for several days and sharing the gospel through storying.
Also, I'm sure some of you are aware of the unrest that's been happening in South Sudan, but I want to reassure you that we're not in a dangerous area (we are about 12 hours by car from Juba, the capital city). Peace talks have begun and we were able to get our visas with no problem!
So tomorrow morning we fly out of Shreveport at 10 a.m.! We fly from Shreveport to Atlanta, Atlanta to Paris and then Paris to Nairobi, Kenya. We'll get to Nairobi on Wednesday the 5th around 9:30 p.m. We'll spend the night in Nairobi and then take a small local flight into South Sudan on Thursday and head out to the village on Friday!
Prayers are very much appreciated! Please pray that we have ease and safety while traveling; unity among our team and that we would trust that The Lord is in control of His work.
I'll try my best to keep y'all posted, but I'm not sure how often internet will be available.